Friday, July 8, 2011

Bad Life Choices?

Is it hypocritical of me to want to bash the classmates of mine who appear to be only doing SAS for the party? I mean, I get that it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and we should enjoy this, but...come on, it's also a once-in a-lifetime experience. What's the point of being drunk and useless through it all? Also, hi? This shit costs an arm, leg, and soul. Why would you do it if all you're gonna do is party like you're back on campus, but say it's totally different because you're doing it in China instead? And while I totally get the excitement of being all touristy and seeing the sights, at what point do these field excursions become less educational/deep/meaningful and more frivolous? I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to go on a catamaran cruise in Mauritius as much as the next person, but I'm not costing my parents and myself absurd amounts of money to mess around for a semester. In my not so humble opinion, the one day in Mauritius would be better spent learning cultural history, economic concerns, and you know, actual important college-y things than getting free bbq and drinks and being waited on all day. Come on, guys. Some of you are going to be in debt for years after this. Expensive trips are adult decisions, just like the choice to attend an expensive college. Act like adults about them.

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