Monday, November 21, 2011

Vietnam and Cambodia

Knowing that life has officially gone bonkers in terms of scheduling and workload, it's more feasible more me to write my blog like this for awhile. Ready? Here we go.
Vietnam Top 5:
1. War Remnants Museum, the most horrific and depressing sight I've ever seen regarding the "American War" and the "American atrocities". I'll never be the same.
2. So many massages, so so so so so many. $60 minute foot massage and full body for under $13 apiece.
3. PHO!!! New Saigon does it right. Its pho and the rest of its food really are what they serve in Vietnam. I wasn't surprised at anything they served me!
4. The most AGGRESSIVE sellers I have ever seen. Literally, they shoved me out of the way and blocked Gabriela in to try to sell her pants for 30 minutes.
5. Pirated WWE DVD's. Oh yeah. $200 value for $10.
Cambodia Top 5:
1. The Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields...terrifying and humbling. Everyone should see it, and it's a crying shame US students tend not to be taught about the Khmer Rouge at all.
2. Angkor Wat at sunrise -- holy crap. Pretty, pretty, pretty.
3. That one temple that was the setting for the Tomb Raider movie. So many Japanese tourists, so little time!
4. Gelatinous cubes. Let me rephrase: the buffet dinner and its ample supply of them. Seriously, a buffet of about 90 different items was available to me for dinner, an entire table of which was quite literally devoted to 15 flavors of gelatinous dessert cubes. It was a moment.
5. Feeding an elephant bananas...and being hounded aggressively by its trunk for more of them.

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