Friday, August 26, 2011

Montreal, Day 3 and Embarkation

I woke up this morning at 6:30am after about 2 hours of sleep. I blame my nervous jitters for my inability to sleep when I tried to do so at midnight, but mostly I blame my friends because they drunkenly banged on my door at 2:30 in the morning with chants of "Marek! Marek! Marek!". I took care of them until about 3:30 in the morning, and yet again struggled to get back to sleep.

They put me to work bright and early handing out name-tags to new students as they got on the ship. I got pissed really quickly upon seeing the ratio of people who were working to people who were ****ing around in the corner. Apparently work ethic isn't a big thing around here, so I was the one who got stuck doing a lot of the work. I was actually the very last student released from work today because of it. Godddd. It was sad seeing the parents leaving their kids though. Gabriela was working with me and almost started bawling whenever a mom started to cry. My moment occurred when a girl brought her doggie to the port with her. It was a little fuzzball who was scared and confused and shaking, and the girl was having so much trouble leaving her little pup behind. The dog was a wreck seeing her go. My thoughts immediately went to my baby Francesca, and I started sobbing right in the middle of my job.

I also met my roommate for the first time today. Alex is pretty cool. She's from Chicago and went to CU Boulder for a semester, but now studies at Loyola in Chicago. She's been to Morocco and gave me so much advice on what to do there.

We had a mandatory lifeboat drill around 4:00, which basically secured my belief that if we actually hit an iceberg, we're all going to die. The efficiency with which the staff checked to make sure we were all at our lifeboat was comically pathetic. I say that if someone doesn't show up when the alarms are going off, let 'em drown. Don't make the rest of us wait for 15 minutes while you find the two stragglers. Why let the rest of us sink so you can feel good inside?

At 5 we officially set sail!!!

It took about 5 minutes for me to start getting seasick. I'm still wearing my anti-seasick wristband and am high on anti-nausea drugs right now. We're not even on the high seas yet.

We also had a mandatory meeting at 8, which was dumb as hell. It was 90 minutes of listing off names of faculty and staff members and pretending to applaud enthusiastically for every one of them, followed by 30 minutes of our Living Learning Coordinator forcing us to make awkward conversation with each other about a given topic. What pissed me off is that I actually got into a good conversation with someone I'd never met about theatre, and the lady told us "We're not talking about that. We're talking about what you're most looking forward to about this trip." What the hell? Control freak, much? We were learning much more about each other by actually talking.

We have 12 hours of orientation tomorrow, and the schedule looks like hours of more useless meetings. I feel like I'm going to kill the staff on this voyage. They seem so much more annoying now than when I was a freshman in college.

Nonetheless, I'm so excited. Classes officially start on Sunday (yes, Sunday. No weekends for me.) and I get to be in Casablanca, Morocco in 7 days! I'm also friends with a girl who used to play on Singapore's national soccer league, so you should totally be jealous of me right now.


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