Thursday, August 25, 2011

Montreal, Day 2/Boarding the MV Explorer

Okay, so after writing out an ENTIRE flipping email and watching it get deleted right before my eyes...I'm going to bitterly cry and type out a shortened version of everything I just TRIED to send.

Basics: We woke up, ate breakfast, packed our bags, and checked out.
Details: We checked out 10 minutes past late checkout time because I was the only one carrying the bags and loading them onto the cart. Picture me trying to lift 9 fifty-pound duffels over my head one right after the other, and building a tower that was taller than me. My back hurts so much right now. My roommates overpacked.

Basics: We took a cab to the MV Explorer.
Details: The cab driver didn't speak any English. He also hit another car on the way. We were slightly unnerved.

Basics: We explored the ship.
Details: It's beautiful and 7 stories tall. It supports the staff and their families, the faculty and THEIR families, and 500 needy college students. There are weight machines, free weights, cafes, and a spa. I'm in heaven. A very overpriced heaven.

Basics: I went into my room.
Details: It's very cozy, and by cozy I mean the cute cozy and the cozy that real estate salesmen use when REALLY trying to say "tiny". I'm not disappointed, as it's a ship and can't be expected to have much room. Also, I have a private shower/toilet, so there are no complaints from me. Well, there's one complaint from me, but it's of my own doing. Mom was right: I should have gotten a room with a window. The portholes are SO cute and I want one. But the real issue is that my room is pitch black when I shut off the lights, and I won't wake up without light in the room. My temporary solution is to set my alarm clock across the room so I can't turn it off without getting my butt out of bed in the morning. My roommate is going to HATE me. I think if I had it to do over again, I'd have gotten the "most expensive cheap room" rather than the "least expensive average room" just for the sake of the window. However, I'm happy I didn't get the "most expensive EXPENSIVE room", the junior suite, because I took a look at one and sniggered. SAS is going to charge these suckers 5k extra for a couch and  a toe's worth more room. Idiotic decision to have gotten one of those. Almost as idiotic as the ones paying an extra 8k for a single. I mean, come on. 8k? For a room you'll hardly use? Puh-lease. The only thing worth missing is a window, but everything else about my room is awesome. Average room for the win!

Basics: I went to have dinner in the dining hall.
Details: It's ship-dorm food, not cruise-ship food, but I knew that coming in. When you're expecting crap, it's tough to be disappointed. They had potatoes and fish, so I was satisfied. I actually really enjoyed dinner, it's just that I got my typical cafeteria jitters. I HATE cafeterias. The mess kills me inside, as does my proximity to other eaters. My OCD manifests itself really badly regarding food, so I was pretty tense the whole time. I'll get used to it though, I'm sure. I did at U Iowa, eventually. The dining room itself was gorgeous and had a chandelier.  The lack of a constant supply of coffee made me sad, but it's also possible I didn't look hard enough. There is very little variety, but this is a good thing for me. I promised myself I'd hard-core diet on the ship and eat like a trucker in port. I feel this is a good way to avoid the "SAS 10", similar to the freshman 15 I gained a couple years ago.

Basics: I had work-study orientation.
Details: I am the Program Assistant to Academic Success. What that actually means is still TBA.

Basics: I volunteered for the Parents Bon Voyage Reception.
Details: I tour guided parents through I ship I'd been on for about 5 hours. Dear God, that was a bad decision. I think I got lost about 3 times, and only managed to fake my way through because of my knowledge of random SAS facts learned through months of research. I like tour guiding in general a lot...but I'm never doing that particular tour again.

Basics: My friends went out to a bar.
Details: I didn't. It was too expensive to merit a return visit.

Basics: I found coffee.
Details: I got ripped off on the ship by buying a latte at their cafe to avoid getting ripped off in Montreal by buying a drink at a bar. God dammit.

Basics: I lost my ID.
Details: The bastards still charged me $1 for a temp card while I found mine again. Lucky, because apparently a NEW ID is $25. It was my first day, for Christ's sake. I really do wonder how much of these charges are actually necessary, and how many go towards buying the staff caviar while we're not looking.

Basics: I got really depressed.
Details: I'm alone and just realized that I can't call or Facebook without ridiculous charges. I'm seriously upset at this right now. It's unfair. The staff get free internet, so why don't I? The alumni I met assured me that I'll have the time of my life, but right now I just want to be on Facebook talking to my friends at school while talking on the phone to my mother.

Basics: Email me.
Details: I miss every one of you.

Basics: I'm still having a good time.
Details: I'm just homesick.

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