Saturday, August 27, 2011

On the Boat, Day 2

Well, it was orientation day today. Needless to say, it was a waste of my time. I woke up and headed to the student union. The morning was filled with silly lectures on "respect" and "academic" honesty, and all that stuff that if you didn't learn it when you went through the same schtick freshman year, you're not going to learn it now. The morning orientation lasted from 9am to 11:45pm. I had just taken seasickness pills, so was falling asleep in my chair. I would have left the auditorium, but I was unlucky enough to be sitting by the assistant dean of the entire program. Lucky me.

After lunch, I learned from another voyager that I could actually watch the orientation session from the TV in my room, but for some reason nobody on the staff wanted us to know that. First of all, why wouldn't they tell us? And second of all, what was the point of televising it if they actually wanted students to show up? I watched the rest of orientation from 1:30 to 5:00 from the comfort of my own bed--and by "watched", I mean I took a lovely nap.

It looks like yet again I'm going to have to drop anthropology. God seems to have something against me taking that class. However, despite SAS offering the option of taking a 5th class, everybody and their mother "highly recommends" against taking more than 4 courses unless absolutely necessary. I scoffed, as 12sh at my school is reserved for lazy-ass sissy students and seniors who can't be bothered with education anymore. In my book, go 15+ or go home. But gosh...I asked EVERYONE! My classmates, my professors, my even boss (the coordinator for academic success, for God's sake)told me I'd be so overwhelmed that it wasn't even worth taking anthropology, no matter how much I wanted to or how motivated I was. So...yeah. Can't really drop my history classes, as I need to graduate and all...and I'm looking forward to them, but still. Weak. No matter what they tell me, I feel so freaking lazy only taking 4 classes. I did it last semester, but for 16sh, and was bored out of my skull. But I guess I need to believe what the professionals tell me, right?

I went to the involvement fair tonight and officially began "I Have No Shame on a Boat", my SAS branch of No Shame Theatre. I also wrote down that I was interested in the community service club and tutoring for the kids of the staff on the voyage. This was in addition to working the academic success station with my boss to recruit prospective writing tutors and language club people. Looks like I'll be busy as hell no matter how many classes I take.

Today ended with yet ANOTHER meeting, this time about things like "floor etiquette" and "curse words" and "quiet hours". If one more person talks to me like I'm 3, I will shank them. And they'll never find the body, as I'll throw it deep into the ocean blue.

Classes start tomorrow, all FOUR of them. Wish me luck!!!

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