Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Culture Shock: On the Boat, Day Something

So apparently, learning about new cultures doesn't even have to include setting foot on foreign soil. I've met someone, who for purposes of confidentiality I can't mention by name, who's American...but SO far off from anything I've EVER seen before that part of me wonders of this guy is even for real. Ladies, did you ever watch Gilmore Girls? Apparently that crap with the grandparents ACTUALLY HAPPENS. Let's go through the laundry list of things I've learned about this guy. Hmm.

1. A multimillionaire...possibly a billionaire. 
2. Mother is an Italian supermodel, grandmother is a 50's movie star, and great-grandmother was the heir to the Grapenuts/Honey Bunches of Oats throne.
3. ONLY listens to Classical and Jazz music. He didn't know what "metal" was.
4. Doesn't know what "grinding" is. (He assumed "club" meant "country club", not nightclub.)
5. Was shocked and almost appalled that I didn't know how to ballroom dance.
6. Has a house in Greenwich, the Hamptons and Palm Beach.
7. Claims that there is a "ghetto" Hampton.
8. Has never listened to lady Gaga.
9. Direct Quote regarding Lady Gaga: "Well, I'd say she's HARDLY a lady."
10. Has a family ring and a family crest.
11. Has all his clothes custom tailored.
12. Doesn't follow politics, and I don't think he knew about the debt ceiling debates...surprise, surprise.
13. Grandfather founded Vail, CO.
14. Swims with Alec Baldwim.
15. Has a personal hatred by Donald Trump, who incidentally insulted this kids grandmother in his book.
16. Hasn't owned a pair of blue jeans since he was 5.
17. Does that one thing where you wear a sweater around your shoulders instead of actually wearing the sweater.
18. Gets disgusted, furious, and nauseous when his sisters put on "popular" music.
19. Oddly enough, wasn't that far off when he guessed the annual income of a family in the USA.
20. Seems to think that art preservation is a form of charity.
21. Eats out every single night when out in his college in NYC.
22. Clearly has a crush on me.

Sorry, but when I joke that I want to marry a rich Jewish doctor...this isn't what I mean. Friends, family, other people reading this...please. PLEASE. If I ever show even the slightest sign of becoming anything remotely resembling this man or his family...smack me so hard that I fly into the Victorian era these people are still stuck in.

I can't help but think I'm being hypocritical for judging this poor boy too hard. It's not his fault his was raised in extreme privilege. But what is his fault is that he doesn't care to understand what's going on in the world outside of what I would call his "Hampton bubble". It's almost disgusting. I got physically sick listening to him tell me about his family, his money, and how "philanthropic" they are. Sorry, honey, but with the money you spent on your pointless 60-bedroom house (not kidding. His grandma's house had 118 rooms), you probably could have kept my local animal shelter going for ten years. So don't give me that bullshit about doing your part in society and being humble and grateful for what you have. If you had an INKLING of what you have, you would hate yourself and you would hate your family for wasting the money America so desperately needs to fill your drawers with 400 dollar watches and weekend vacations to Venice. It's ridiculous. You're ridiculous. You don't even know about the debt ceiling? Does nothing in society impact you besides your biweekly dinner parties of 100 guests (which he has, I might add)? Why do you NEED to do these things? Why do you NEED so much when others have so little? Would it kill you to buy that half million dollar house and maybe give the rest back to, oh, I don't know...the people you're actually employing to clean your big-ass house? Or the teachers who teach your rotten kids? Or maybe to help the kids starving in Somalia? I don't even need to get off this boat to see the types of people my country really has. I really had to see it to believe it.

America, these are the people who we don't tax. THESE are the "job creators" we fight so hard to protect, the ones who still have debutante balls and half million dollar weddings, the ones who value grandeur over practicality. Are these the people you want getting our presidents elected (This guy's grandpa PERSONALLY got Eisenhower elected, apparently.)?  The ones still living in monarchial Europe? The ones who don't even know that the average joe doesn't know how to do a box-step?  These people have done nothing to DESERVE what they have. They are simply, as this guy called himself, "old blood". This is a democracy, not an aristocracy...or at least I thought it was.

I don't want to go to India and see people begging in the streets. This is enough for me. I want to go home. I'm going to be sick.


  1. Stephie I order you to marry that man. Bring us home the bacon!

  2. He needs to watch the Warren Buffett episode of Jon Stewart ASAP. And, you know. Learn to wear a sweater correctly.
