Thursday, September 1, 2011



So I just did an extreme cardio workout called "Insanity" with my friends. At the time it didn't seem that hard. The second I got back to my room, I realized I was dying.

It's tough to feel like you're staying in shape when you live on a reasonably small ship, so it drives us to do crazy things like this. Granted, I go up and down a million flights of stairs a day, but it's not quite the same as wandering up and down a college campus or taking a mile walk with my dogs, or weight training at my gym. The weight room is right in the public eye, making it very embarrassing to try to train. And like hell am I running on a treadmill. I HATE treadmills. Oh, and then there's the part where I'm on a FREAKING SHIP. The rocking makes me so sleepy that every time I have a free moment and think to myself "Hey, Marek, here's a thought, why not get off your lazy butt and work out?", I always lay down on my bed and pass out for three hours. Luckily, my friends are forcing me out of bed from now on to do this routine with them.

People say that they gain 10 pounds on SAS. I don't want that to happen. But it's weird, because the food on the ship doesn't ever seem to make you full. I don't find my food intake to be all too heavy or that caloric...but then again, maybe they pack it full of secret calories, like oils and butter. I'm definitely nervous that when the boat stops in Morocco and my scale starts working again (it doesn't work on a moving ship), I'll be unpleasantly surprised that I've gained 60 pounds.

My diet usually consists of fish, potatoes, maybe a different vegetable, and a baby dessert. Maybe I'll throw in some peanut butter for protein. And about 600 cups of coffee for strength. It doesn't seem all too caloric...but I've been wrong before. Just ask about my freshman year of college.

Wish me luck. I'm doing another round of "Insanity" tomorrow.

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